First Floor Pentagon Building,Kyanja
Mon-Fri : 08:00 - 05:00pm

Dairy milk coolers and refrigerators service and maintenance, Lacto scope scanners sales, servicing, calibration and maintenance including the Diesel power Generators (with a dedicated and fully trained team) in conjunction with DDA.

With the current demand and the growing milk industry, there is a great need for technical advancement and mechanization to enhance productivity and quality, we have taken a step to provide support to the production line by having a dedicated, fully trained and qualified team that supports our customers as per the Dairy Development Authority standards.
At Celsat we believe in excellence of our customers by committing to support them at anytime we are called upon.

Services offered.
• Dairy milk coolers and refrigerators service and maintenance.
• Lacto scope scanners sales & servicing/ calibration.
• Maintenance of Diesel power Generators.


First Floor
Pentagon Building
Plot 560, block 196
Po Box 75409 Kyanja

Kampala, Uganda.

Telephone: +256 752 351 198 ,

                  +256 772 048 559

E-mail: info@celsatsolutions.com

Email: celsatsolutions@gmail.com